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Guest reviewer for Paranormalhaven.com. Goofy and gregarious, although mostly sensible. Love to chat about books! :)

Currently reading

The Lotus Palace
Jeannie Lin
The Legend of Jig Dragonslayer
Jim C. Hines
Rachel Hartman
A Clockwork Heart
Liesel Schwarz
My Darkest Passion
Carolyn Jewel
Long Shot
Hanna Martine
A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)
George R.R. Martin
Valkyrie Rising

Cute & Rage Inducing - What a combo

Confessions of a Secret Admirer: A Valentine's Day Anthology - Jennifer Ryan, Candis Terry, Jennifer Seasons

I'll keep this short & sweet.


Waiting For You - Story was way underdeveloped for the length of the short story/novella. Pretty ambitious actually. But everything happened very quickly and so I thought everything in the story got the shaft. Would have been much better as a full length book.



Sweet Fortune - Candis Terry is an author I really enjoy because she knows how to write alpha males without them being overbearing or super bossy and her heroines always demonstrate agency & intelligence. I liked this one the best out of the 3 stories. Good way to intro into her writing without having read any of the previous books.


Major League Crush - How about a major HELL NO? Oy. This book tried too hard from the start. Bertie is judgmental, slut shaming mess. Calls the women that walk out of her neighbor's apartment whores, trollops and sluts. Just by looking at the clothes they wear! Woohoo! But she's equal opportunity because she does it to men too.  She's a comic book artist and is written as the clumsy, aww shucks I'm a shy girl.  Because yes, all nerdy women are socially incompetent, clumsy, and shy.  Will NEVER EVER read anything by this author again if this is indicative of how she writes characters.