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Guest reviewer for Paranormalhaven.com. Goofy and gregarious, although mostly sensible. Love to chat about books! :)

Currently reading

The Lotus Palace
Jeannie Lin
The Legend of Jig Dragonslayer
Jim C. Hines
Rachel Hartman
A Clockwork Heart
Liesel Schwarz
My Darkest Passion
Carolyn Jewel
Long Shot
Hanna Martine
A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)
George R.R. Martin
Valkyrie Rising

If the first book is super weak, what the hell is point in giving it away?

Come Away With Me  - Kristen Proby

Because I'm sure as hell not coming back for more.



I'm being serious. I will forgive a weak or lame ass plot if there are strong characters and the writing shows promise.


This. I can't even. So much TELL and not enough show.  The girl who thinks she's fat but who's really not - internal slut shaming YAY - and a guy who won't be straight forward with the girl he's interested in.


I tried. *shrug*  It was a freebie on Amz, and that Book Ball event in February featured Kristen Proby..